I mentioned yesterday that I had a figure drawing assignment dumped on me in addition to everything else on my plate. So yesterday I buckled down, and got to work. I have to do the same thing today but I feel better. After 12 hours of computer screens, papers, citations, and lab reports I finally made it home. My room mates went out last night because they aren't cursed like me for some reason. So I had the house to myself, well me and Charlie (my room mates dog). So I got a glass of wine, straightened my room up, put on some One Tree Hill (My latest obsession) and got to work. My assignment was to render hands so I decided to use this as an outlet to express my thoughts this week.
This is a self portrait, there are 3 others on the same page but they weren't the classiest content for my blog... I may or may not have drawn myself giving the finger :P
But it's honest.
That's how I feel about art school this week.
The amazing thing is that I was up until 3 in the morning working on this and thoroughly enjoying myself. Sometimes I forget that art is supposed to be fun.
It made me laugh because to me, my face looks like I just watched my dog get run over. But when I posted this to facebook my friend told me I look happily surprised, like I just got proposed to (YEA RIGHT, ain't gonna happen). But I like his interpretation better :)
I may or may not post a picture of the finished product if no one throws a fuss over my profanity. Tonight I have to render feet! I apologize in advance if anyone has a foot phobia, I'm a dancer so I'm used to it!
This is the best self portrait I have ever seen from you. Working under pressure must work for you... <3