Monday, February 18, 2013


Hello all!

Happy Sunday night!
... Well I guess at this point it's Monday morning... 3:49 AM to be exact. I think having coffee for dinner may have been my downfall on this one. That, and the fact that my downstairs neighbor has left his back gate open for MONTHS. So every night it bangs open and closed incessantly with the wind. Now, I know I would solve my problems if I just asked my downstairs neighbor to close the gate. But that would involve having a conversation with him, which I refuse to do. I should probably explain, this person is so incredibly strange. Every time he hears someone opening the door to my apartment, he drops whatever he is doing and runs to his door to catch us on our way out. I have not figured out why he does this but I have gathered that he is always disappointed to see me. This person is so anxious to check and see which room mate is coming or going that he never seems to put pants on or turn off his dub step before flailing himself into our already cramped, shared landing. Whenever he answers the door and sees me he has to remind me that I am an immigrant in his creepy, half naked, homeland. At first I received minor insults such as "Oh hey, Jess." (not my name). Now we have devolved to the state that when he opened the door a few weeks ago to find me struggling with my jammed lock he simply muttered "Oh." and slammed the door in my face. Therefore, rather than asking him to close his noisy gate which terrifies me every night even though I logically know it is not an axe murderer, I will simply watch every single episode of How I Met Your Mother all night and sleep with my lights on. I think I won this battle.

On a lighter note, this weekend I was home at my parent's. In my own bed... with no loud gates... cuddling with Zach. So clearly I caught up on my sleep for the week! Other than the fact that Zach currently has a severe case of Phlaryngitis (don't quote my spelling) which means he has a crazy fever and a swollen, sore throat that makes it hard for him to breathe, so he can't sleep through the night. And I'm pretty sure I caught it from him... woo hoo.
 He did make a pretty cute Valentine though :)

While Zach spent the weekend sleeping and drinking milkshakes, Tori and I had an audition! So we needed to take some new head shots.
 I love her new short hair :) 
Pretty professional looking for a couple of best friends with a camera right? 

This was just about the only good picture I took all day.

 We even got a little dancing in! 
(Tori is going to HATE me for posting this but I think she looks awesome)

I'm excited to announce that Tori and I will both be dancing for the York Capitals Arena Football league this spring!

I mean clearly, who wouldn't want me on their team?

Today (as well as feeling like death) I spent the morning lying around in my pajamas with Zach then hung out with my family all afternoon. We get together every Sunday but today was special because my Uncle Mark was in from California and I only see him about once a year. So that just about leads us up to now. It is now 4:16 AM and sleep seems unlikely for tonight... I still won't talk to my neighbor though. Aint gonna happen. 

I hope everyone has a productive and joyful monday! 
I will with about 5 cups of coffee.


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