Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Moving On.

Happy Tuesday!

I won't lie to you, I've had happier Tuesdays. Sparing you the gory details, I've recently found myself single for the first time in a very long time. I've been internally writhing for a while so I figured writing my thoughts might help me get some sleep.

Cue the obligatory sympathetic phone calls. 

I've gone through the usual phases in the last 48 hours. First I felt totally numb but couldn't sleep or eat. Then I talked to my friends and family and convinced myself of how awesome my life is going to be on my own. (I'm totally going to move to Paris... and illustrate children's books... and get a new tattoo). Now reality is starting to sink in... and I am VERY able to eat again. And drink lots of wine.

I put the pictures away, boxed up his sweatshirts, and changed my "favorite" contacts list. You know, all of the things that send a little pang through your heart strings and further solidify your place in the world.Without him.

But that's enough pity party for this Tuesday. It's time for some change. Spring is around the corner and things are looking up. And today more than ever I'm thankful for my health, my support system within the beautiful people I keep close, and my freedom to do whatever I choose with my new- found free time.

The only question is, what do I do now?

I feel like it's time to find what makes me happy. Ever since I got back from Rome I've been internally struggling with my idea of happiness. And I think it all stems back to my journey for spirituality. I'm seeking a sense of purpose, a grand design, some reason to continue the daily grind. Something to live for really. Something to look forward to. Something to have faith in.

Now that my focus is back on myself I'd like to start exploring these ideas. I hope you don't mind if I use this blog as an outlet.

Now, where to start?


Thursday, February 21, 2013

Things Are Looking Up!

Happy Thursday!

Do I'd like to tell a story that will hopefully help you believe in good karma, it certainly helped me.
Lately, I've been feeling like I can't catch a break. 
I've been totally swamped with work.
I've been bed-ridden sick for 4 days.
Haven't done laundry in weeks.
you get the idea. 

But, my luck began to change in the last couple of days. So, on Wednesday, I stopped at the bank on campus to take out cash. When I walked in I noticed a $20 bill hanging out of the machine. So I chased out the last person who left and asked if it was his? He said no. Then I went back inside and asked everyone is it was theirs? They all said no, and that I should keep it. So I took it into the bank tellers and tried to turn in the money. They told me thank you but there was no way they could identify whose money it was, and that it was now mine. At that moment, a frantic student ran in asking if anyone had turned in $20! So I handed it over, received a polite thank you, and continued on with my day feeling like a good Samaritan.

The next day, I was walking home late from dance practice to an inevitable long night of homework and coughing. So naturally my head was down in a pretty pathetic sign of defeat. Luckily for me, that meant that I noticed the $20 bill on top of the storm drain in front of my house! ... WHAT.  Ever since that, everything seems to have been going my way! This morning, I slept through my alarm, yet magically woke up just in time to get ready and get to class on time. Then, when I got to class my drawing  professor noticed I still was not feeling well so he told me that my work is "good enough to miss a couple classes" and that I should go home and rest... WHAT!?! 

Hopefully this good luck streak continues through my weekend! 

Have a good karma Thursday! 


Monday, February 18, 2013

Emerging Visions Opening

Happy Monday!

So! To continue with my artsy Mondays I wanted to share some exciting news from my own life as an artist. I had my very first, professional gallery opening in the U.S last week! I should probably clarify that I had a small opening while I studied in Rome, but it was only for one night. So I'm counting this one as my first!

This is one of the paintings I'm showing! 
"You Remind Me of Home"
It got that title because now it is a permanent fixture in my mom's living room. I was given specific instructions not to sell it :)

I was so thankful to have my friends and family come out to support me! And I was lucky enough to have Tori along to photograph the whole shindig. 
Gallery openings tend to have crappy food. But lots of free wine! 

That's my momma! Always my biggest fan 

They even had me talk to a group of high 
school students about my work, as if I know anything!

All in all the night was a big success! And I'm very excited to continue showing work in the future! Maybe some day I'll even sell something! But that's another story. 

Have an inspired day! 



Hello all!

Happy Sunday night!
... Well I guess at this point it's Monday morning... 3:49 AM to be exact. I think having coffee for dinner may have been my downfall on this one. That, and the fact that my downstairs neighbor has left his back gate open for MONTHS. So every night it bangs open and closed incessantly with the wind. Now, I know I would solve my problems if I just asked my downstairs neighbor to close the gate. But that would involve having a conversation with him, which I refuse to do. I should probably explain, this person is so incredibly strange. Every time he hears someone opening the door to my apartment, he drops whatever he is doing and runs to his door to catch us on our way out. I have not figured out why he does this but I have gathered that he is always disappointed to see me. This person is so anxious to check and see which room mate is coming or going that he never seems to put pants on or turn off his dub step before flailing himself into our already cramped, shared landing. Whenever he answers the door and sees me he has to remind me that I am an immigrant in his creepy, half naked, homeland. At first I received minor insults such as "Oh hey, Jess." (not my name). Now we have devolved to the state that when he opened the door a few weeks ago to find me struggling with my jammed lock he simply muttered "Oh." and slammed the door in my face. Therefore, rather than asking him to close his noisy gate which terrifies me every night even though I logically know it is not an axe murderer, I will simply watch every single episode of How I Met Your Mother all night and sleep with my lights on. I think I won this battle.

On a lighter note, this weekend I was home at my parent's. In my own bed... with no loud gates... cuddling with Zach. So clearly I caught up on my sleep for the week! Other than the fact that Zach currently has a severe case of Phlaryngitis (don't quote my spelling) which means he has a crazy fever and a swollen, sore throat that makes it hard for him to breathe, so he can't sleep through the night. And I'm pretty sure I caught it from him... woo hoo.
 He did make a pretty cute Valentine though :)

While Zach spent the weekend sleeping and drinking milkshakes, Tori and I had an audition! So we needed to take some new head shots.
 I love her new short hair :) 
Pretty professional looking for a couple of best friends with a camera right? 

This was just about the only good picture I took all day.

 We even got a little dancing in! 
(Tori is going to HATE me for posting this but I think she looks awesome)

I'm excited to announce that Tori and I will both be dancing for the York Capitals Arena Football league this spring!

I mean clearly, who wouldn't want me on their team?

Today (as well as feeling like death) I spent the morning lying around in my pajamas with Zach then hung out with my family all afternoon. We get together every Sunday but today was special because my Uncle Mark was in from California and I only see him about once a year. So that just about leads us up to now. It is now 4:16 AM and sleep seems unlikely for tonight... I still won't talk to my neighbor though. Aint gonna happen. 

I hope everyone has a productive and joyful monday! 
I will with about 5 cups of coffee.


Monday, February 4, 2013

Collecting Thoughts

Happy Tuesday!

Today, I'm feeling particularly introspective. I have a fairly massive all-nighter ahead of me tonight, and I swear I didn't procrastinate! I don't even really need to stay up all night but I've become the type of person who needs to get everything done right now. You see, I am a recovering procrastinator, and when I came to college I quickly realized that my methods from high school would no longer work. 3 years later and I'm still battling it. Now, because I know I have work to do I won't just let myself plan out my time, I have to freak out and do everything really early.

I think you would probably agree with me when I confess that I'm a little nuts.

I'm sure most people can relate when I admit that I have a hard time staying organized. I have an even greater respect for my mother ever since I moved out. I find that as soon as one thing is finished, I remember everything else. I can't even keep my room clean for 5 minutes. I feel like I've been in college for too long (which probably sounds ridiculous) but I feel that all I want in my life is stability and routine. Rather than the constant running, stressing, and freezing that seems to come with college life Philadelphia. 

My life. 
Don't get me wrong, I appreciate the opportunity I have to be in school and to be 21. Things are great, but sometimes all I want is a permanent space, where I don't have to plan on how I'm going to get my dresser back down the stairs in the 3 months. I want a place of peace and comfort. But I guess, isn't that what everyone wants? Do we ever really achieve it? 

What do you think? 


Just the Beginning

Happy Monday!

I can't seem to keep myself organized for 5 seconds so far this semester! This new year's goal is going to be harder than I thought. I think things will calm down though once my gallery show opens this Thursday at YorkArts in York, PA!

One of my paintings is right in the display window! It's a proud feeling :) 

Speaking of Painting! 

Here's my little tutorial of the week: 

I wanted to continue this week with another surface tutorial. Last week I explained the idea of primed plywood, this week I'd like to show you one of the laziest shortcuts you can make as an artist while still avoiding pre- primed canvases. Stretchers bars! 

All they are are pre- measured/cut pieces of wood cut into perfect interlocking 45 degree angles

They are relatively inexpensive, come in most standard sizes, and can be purchased at Dick Blick, A.C. Moore, or really any art supply store. Except Michael's I learned this weekend! 

These really are quite idiot proof to assemble, it goes a little something like this:

1. Select your canvas size (remember to get 2 of each size to make a complete shape)
2. Apply a small amount of wood glue to the joint
3. Wiggle the bars together, they should fit perfectly! 

Now you have a quick and easy frame on which to stretch really any material you like! Examples: canvas, linen, silk, anything! Just make sure to prime the surface in order to avoid absorption and warping. 

Now, here's the truth about stretcher bars:

They are very useful for a quick stretcher. But they are not always the best solution. I really would not recommend using these for paintings bigger than 24 inches because they are not as sturdy as a hand-built frame and could crack under pressure. These work well for smaller paintings. One annoying thing about them is that they only come in certain sizes. So this makes super precise sizes difficult. Stretcher bars can also become pricey, they are by far more expensive than lumber. But really, you are paying for convenience with these. There are some varieties that come with connecting joints in the middle of the bar, do NOT get these. I have seen them prove to be disastrous on multiple occasions. Basically, if you would like to make a small piece and do not wish to spend the extensive amount of time to make a stretcher from scratch (I don't blame you) these are a great solution! 

In other, not-art-related news, the Superbowl happened! Anyone who knows my boyfriend and me, knows we are not sports fans. It's just not something I ever got into, I'm a dancer so I'm much more interested in Dance Moms :) and Zach is much more interested in being athletic than watching athletes. He loves to mountain bike and run. But, because it was the ravens, we tuned in! 

My Aunt Sam had a party so we joined the festivities :)

We had a ball but I had to get back to Philly this morning, I had class! So Zach dropped me off at the train station, it was rather stressful to be honest. Thankfully my last class for today was cancelled for some reason! So I got a second to get it together before dance practice tonight! 

I hope this inspired you to give painting a try! 
