Saturday, January 26, 2013

Getting It Together

Happy Saturday!

I don't think I'm normally planning on posting on Saturday, but this week has been pretty nuts so I might as well! Have you ever had one of those weeks where you just can't get on top of things? No matter how much you accomplish there's still something around the corner? That's me. Plus I had the flu all week. blegh. I finally caught a break this afternoon so I wanted to get a jump on some cleaning, homework, photos, and of course blogging. Tonight is going to be one for the books because all of us are going to Public House restaurant in center city Philadelphia for two of my room mates 21st birthdays! This is the kind of stuff I imagined myself doing when I moved to the city.

Pretty much Sex and the City :) 

But there will be many pictures later for that! 

Today I've been going through my photo catalogs and uploading and printing things that have been on the bottom of my priorities list (instead of homework, of course) and here are some gems I found: 

I'm a catch.

 So is Zach :)
Soldiers, friends, brothers

Hopefully everyone can have a productive weekend! I'm really excited because tomorrow is my first day back working at the Philadelphia Museum of Art! Hopefully I manage to get all my homework done... 


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