Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Allow Me To Introduce Myself


My name is Jen.

 Today is January 2nd, 2013 and one of my goals for this bright and shiny new year is to create this blog! I just finished spending 4 months months abroad, primarily in Rome, Italy, but I also spent time in Spain, France, and Greece. Throughout my travels Temple University sponsored me to write a blog about our adventures. I was not sure how blogging would go for me but it turned out to be a huge hit! I had "fans", as my mother would call them, following my posts religiously! And, at the end of our trip, as we exited the plane I had parent's of my class mates thanking me for journaling our experiences. Because of the positive experience from my previous blog, I decided to continue blogging back in the states. Hopefully it's as interesting as my European adventures!
 Rome, Italy

 Barcelona, Spain

 Athens, Greece

 Paris, France

One of the main reasons I enjoyed blogging was because it made me feel like I had my life together. And, let's be honest, everyone needs something like that in their life. Something for a break from the daily chaos. I use writing as a way to organize my thoughts, experiences, and photos into a cohesive diary of memories. I tend to be an extremely overloaded and under- rested person (but I mean who isn't?) So blogging gives me an outlet to sit down, relax, and speak.

Here's a relaxing picture for those of you who might need it! 
Poros, Greece 

For the sake of introductions, I should probably give you an idea of who I am. As I mentioned, I love traveling! But that's not really what this blog is going to be about, my most recent endeavours have left me pretty broke and therefore, grounded until further notice. But while I'm dreaming about my future destinations I keep myself busy. I'm 21 years old and I'm currently studying painting, ceramics, and education at the Tyler School of Art of Temple University in Philadelphia, PA. I'm also a dancer on Temple's InMotion Dance Ensemble. So I'd like to open this blog as an avenue for readers  to explore their artistic horizons. I plan on sharing my knowledge of artistic processes such as preparing canvases and picking out paint as well as sharing what's going on with the dance team! I'd also like to use this as a space to share my ideas on faith, style, and food whenever they seem pertinent or relevant.
"Ponte Milizie"
My most recent oil painting in Rome.

I'm a little nervous going into this project but I have faith that this will help me maintain a sense of productivity and creativity. But more importantly I would like to help others whether it be through art tutorials or just any daily wisdoms I come across. Please share with me any feedback! I appreciate everything!


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