So, to continue with my artsy Mondays I'd like to start posting about something I love very much: Painting! I love it so much I'm majoring in it at Temple University. One of the reasons I created this blog is because of an interest shown by the people around me. I find that lots of people are interested in painting but find it too daunting or inaccessible to try themselves. So they settle for mass produced, cliche, "wall art" at Bed, Bath, and Beyond. I'm not saying you need to be the next Rembrandt, But I'm hoping to share some knowledge that will help break down the idea of painting and make it more approachable!
The first place where I find some confusion is the surface. Most people assume that the first step is a stretched canvas. But honestly, they can be very complicated. There are so many varieties and sizes in the pre made variety, and they are exorbitedly expensive. But building a stretcher from lumber can also be a daunting task. So here's one method I've used for a cheap, accessible, and easy surface for any painting.
I bought a full sheet of plywood for about $10 at the home depot and asked a sales associate to cut it down for me with the panel saw. It's free! And they'll cut it to any size you like! So from that sheet of plywood I got about 20 small surfaces, that's about .50 a painting!
Plywood is also much easier to transport than a stretched canvas! Just make sure to prime it. I use a product called Gesso. You can get it at any art supply store and can use it to prime any surface. When using gesso, apply 3 layers (letting them dry in between) and sand when finished for a smooth surface. Also! be sure to apply 1 layer to the back side of the plywood to avoid warping.
And now you're ready to paint whatever your heart desires on your blank canvas!